Blog #

It all started right after I joined...

It all started right after I joined EDscapade Games. I heard many stories from the owners of their escape experiences, far and near from the Bay Area. But one story that stuck with me was Black Market Escape Rooms Inc.’s MurderCo experience. It is a full live action interactive immersive horror experience.

My first time hearing about this story was that it was our nation’s first R-Rated Horror Escape Experience. Even the names of the artists (actors)- Oblivion, Sideshow, Juggernaut, and Maneater sounded horrifying to me. What terrified me the most was the fact that they played the “Pure Evil” version which includes all the artists, not just one.

Ever since hearing the story, we had our research trips all around. Eventually, we made it to LA and the “Pure Evil” experience was booked. What made it worse was the booking was set for midnight. Many thoughts rushed through my head as the time was ticking down towards midnight and I would be experiencing it first hand.

It was a dark, and chilly night. When we arrived to the location, it seemed “sketch.” I thought to myself, maybe we’re at the wrong place or hopefully something broke in the game and our team would be able to skip this experience. We arrive at the front door and push the intercom button.  That’s when the experience started….

The person behind the intercom sounded stern. They made sure that we followed EXACT instructions sent to our email. Once we entered, my heart started racing faster. Without giving too many spoilers away, the first area felt surreal almost as if we were in a movie scene.

We proceeded to the next area where they would explain the rules in depth. The part that stuck out to me was that they mentioned we could leave the experience at that moment. We just had to exit the RED door. I thought to myself, do I leave? Or do I gain enough courage to push through it? That one night changed my life forever…