Alex Tran
Baby Face

"The highest human act is inspiration"

– Nipsey Hussle

Alex Tran or Baby Face comes to EDscapade as a Stakeholder in the company. He was born and raised in San Jose, California and aspires to be working in I.T. or Assets Management, when it is all said and done. He was brought into EDscapade by the CEO to bring a new flare and a perspective on the ever growing company. He wanted to join Edscapade because he believed that this was the best way to learn the ins and outs of a business and what it takes to be an entrepreneur. His hobbies include fitness, cars, cooking, reading, and learning. His all-time favorite escape room is Stash House and his best attribute would be looking around admiring the decor. His favorite quote is “The highest human act is inspiration” because one day he wants to be able inspire others and see them succeed.