In this thrilling sequel to The Cabin, you and your group find you have escaped from Allen’s house and made your way into a small shed on the property, little did you know you’re right where he wanted you. Now the fun begins… You can hide, but only for so long.
Highlights/Your Opinion/Review:
The sequel to a great escape room in "The Cabin", "The Shed" picks up from where its predecessor left off. A solidly scary themed room with some intricate puzzles resulted in an enjoyable time. I will say, having experienced a plethora of horror escape rooms elsewhere, "The Shed" didn't give me the same rush that I was looking for, or that I got playing "The Cabin". The knowledge of no live actor really helps ease the soul. But I'm sure for new players and returning players alike, "The Shed" will be a fun time!
Fun Facts:
- Option to play "The Cabin" & "The Shed" in back to back games as a 2hour experience